Youtube Channel
Watch sermons now on Youtube! We now post our sermons on youtube after live streaming then on facebook. To watch posted sermons go to our Youtube page Here.
Facebook Sermons
Watch sermons now on Facebook! We now live stream the church sermon on Facebook. Starts around 10:00-10:30 PM. To watch past sermons go to our Facebook page Here.
Children's church
Children's church: On every Sunday after Worship Service, except the first Sunday of every month, Children's Church will be held for children ages 4 through 12. If you are interested in teaching/helping in children's church, please speak to Mrs. Gelaine Boutin.

Nursery: Infants & toddlers 3 years & younger.
Become a member of Gueydan International Church
If you want to become a member of Gueydan International Church,
Membership Sheets are available on the back table. Fill one out and place it in the offering box.
Sermon Audio only?
Sermon Audio: If you want to only listen to the service.. You Can! In the menu click on "Sermons List". Find the date you would like to listen to and select "Listen Now". OR, right click "". Select "Save Link As.." to save the audio file to your computer or device.
In September


Gale Smith 7th
Kaleb Simon 7th
Dianna Romero 7th
Cody Castille 7th
Becky Abshire 23rd
Gelaine Boutin 29th


No Anniversary this month.